Remember apostles from Jesus's time, like Peter, James, and John? Well, Elder Nelson is an apostle of God, just like they were! That's why it's so amazing to have been in the same room as him, and hear him speak to us directly and personally.
There were so many great things that he said, I can't share them all. But here were some really amazing points he made (some are direct quotes, but--as I was taking notes by hand--you'll have to excuse me for not having everything verbatim):
~"Everything we do in the Church is designed to bless our families."
--I know that by following Heavenly Father's plan for us, families can be together forever. A loving and righteous family is vital to God's plan for each of us and, as such, needs to be on our highest list of priorities.

~Elder Nelson asked all of the primary-aged children (kids under 12) to stand up and sing one verse of the song "I Am a Child of God." It was so sweet, and those wonderful little voices touched so many hearts (including mine!).
~After they sang, he counseled parents (and future parents) on how to best teach their children. Some points he included were to:
-"Teach them what it really means to be a child of God",
-Teach them never to miss a "goodnight" or "good morning" to their Father in Heaven--to pray,
-Help them understand the words of the prophets, and
-Teach them to stay away from pornography.
~The Book of Mormon is truly the word of God, translated by the prophet Joseph Smith with the power of God.
--It took Joseph Smith under 3 months to translate the Book of Mormon into English (that's at the rate of 8-10 pages a day). This was in 1829. Today, there are excellent translators at Church Headquarters who have the assistance of modern technology, and they translate scripture at the rate of about 1 page per day. Joseph Smith was truly a prophet of God and worked according to the gift and power of God.
~It was the will of the Lord to have the missionary age requirement lowered.
--I'm including this point because of how incredibly special it was to me, personally. Serving as a full-time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been on my mind a lot lately. I've had the desire to serve, but it's been a hard decision to make. When Elder Nelson said this, it caught me off-guard, and tears immediately (and quite entirely) filled my eyes. Because of the age requirement change, I now have the opportunity to serve as a missionary when I turn 19, rather than 21.
~When he was working as a surgeon for the armed forces in the 50's, a nurse asked him why he was different from all the other surgeons she'd worked with. He said, "Well, I don't know if I am different, but if I am, it's because I know the Book of Mormon is true." He lent his only copy of the Book of Mormon to this nurse and her husband. They read it, discovered it was true, and were baptized. As of 2011, 300 people have learned of Christ's true gospel and been baptized because Elder Nelson wasn't afraid to share his beliefs.
~"Every member a missionary. All you have to do is be exemplary."
--Just be an example, and others will want to learn more of Christ's teachings.
Again, these were just some of the points that I loved. There were several other very inspiring and uplifting talks and testimonies given and songs sung. My own testimony has been strengthened by what I've heard and felt today.
Elder Russell M. Nelson is certainly an apostle of God. I have no doubt about it. His testimony is a more eloquent, magnificent version of my own, but it reflects mine nonetheless. I, like him, know that Jesus Christ is my Savior, and I love and appreciate His sacrifice for me. I know that God's great work requires individuals of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds to push forward and help the great work move along. I am so thankful for the opportunity I had to hear an apostle of God speak, and for the opportunity I have to share it with you.
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