Friday, April 19, 2013

"Of course." Say WHAT?!

Good morning!

So, today I was getting ready for the day. I was looking in the mirror and noticed something about my physical appearance that... isn't necessarily my favorite feature, shall we say? Yeah, I was being just a little bit hard on myself. It was stupid, really.

You know those imaginary conversations you have in your head? Like, you would say to Mr. So-and-So, "Mr. So-and-So, [insert your choice of dialogue here]," and he would respond, "Why, Ms. Jane Doe, [insert your choice of response here]!" (Come on, don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about. We all do it.)

Well, I had one of those moments. In this particular case, the Mr. So-and-So of my imagination (or I suppose you might call him my conscience) said, in reference to my appearance, "Is there anything you don't like about yourself?" And I responded, "Of course."

"Of. Course."

WHAT is wrong with that statement?

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Title Explanation (This is REALLY exciting guys; you should read it... Yeah...)


First, I feel I should explain the title of this blog. So here's the (not so) exciting story:

A couple of months ago, I decided to try making a blog. I sat at the computer and tried coming up with a blog name (I'm pretty sure I was watching Netflix at the time. If you know me, you probably know I'm so non-multi-tasker-ish that I can't even put on slide-on shoes while brushing my teeth)... I got tired of my creativity roadblock and forgot about it for a while.

Today, I came across a link to someone else's blog, which reminded me of my own pathetic and failed attempt of a few months ago. Determined to share my beliefs and convictions with the world (...well, okay, I really just didn't feel like doing homework or practicing piano), I decided to give it another shot. Again, I was faced with the challenge of coming up with a creative, honest, and *not* stupid title (hopefully, I accomplished at least 2 of the 3).

Due to a train of thought with entirely too many cars to explain, I thought back on one of my previous Facebook statuses. I had said, "I love the seemingly little things in life that make your day go from average to fantastic." (And in my less-than-spectacular memory, I thought I'd said "seemingly small things in life." Whatevs. Minor technicality.  Besides, everyone loves alliterations, right?)

And then I got to thinking... So many things in life ARE small, but they have the ability to totally change anything for the better! And the Lord uses "small and simple things" to "bring about his great and eternal purposes" (Alma 37:6-7). So, if small things are good enough for Him, they're good enough for me!

And that's the story.

Oh, yes. I'm a rather short person, myself. So I suppose that adds to my yup-that-works feeling of the title.

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