Thursday, June 13, 2013

When I Have Grown a Foot or Two...


I recently returned from a mini-mission! On Thursday, June 6th, we had a Missionary Training Center experience. It was pretty much like a fireside directed by the Chicago mission president and his wife, as well as two missionaries from the area. The next day, we began our experience as mini-missionaries. Here, I'll tell you some of the stuff that went down last weekend. I've broken it up into days/times of day. Keep in  mind, this is an ultra-condensed summary.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Best Spokesperson

As I was sitting here, eating my apple slices and caramel (I think the company that packaged them needs to have some lessons in proportions. My caramel was most definitely on the lacking side), I was reading some selections from the Institute manual (Institute is a weekly church class that totally rocks, in case you were wondering). The topic of study this term is the teachings of living prophets of God.

I've posted briefly about prophets before, but at the bottom, you'll find a link to a great resource if you're still a little bit unsure about what exactly a prophet is. In fact, anywhere in the post you see a red asterisk (*), there will be a related URL included at the bottom. (Feel free to browse around on any of these sites.)

So, why do you think we need a living prophet? Or do we even need one? How do we know if someone's a real prophet, anyway? I mean, there have been more than a couple individuals claiming to know when the end of the world was going to be, for example (and that didn't turn out so hot for them, did it?).

Answer those questions for yourself. And then, if you're an incredibly awesome person, you probably want to keep reading to see what I have to say about them, too. (Okay, even if you don't read what I have to say, you're still probably an incredibly awesome person. But you're just really, really, really cool if you keep reading.)