I've posted briefly about prophets before, but at the bottom, you'll find a link to a great resource if you're still a little bit unsure about what exactly a prophet is. In fact, anywhere in the post you see a red asterisk (*), there will be a related URL included at the bottom. (Feel free to browse around on any of these sites.)
So, why do you think we need a living prophet? Or do we even need one? How do we know if someone's a real prophet, anyway? I mean, there have been more than a couple individuals claiming to know when the end of the world was going to be, for example (and that didn't turn out so hot for them, did it?).
Answer those questions for yourself. And then, if you're an incredibly awesome person, you probably want to keep reading to see what I have to say about them, too. (Okay, even if you don't read what I have to say, you're still probably an incredibly awesome person. But you're just really, really, really cool if you keep reading.)
Why do we need a living prophet?
Well, keyboard, I'm glad you asked! Because I know that we have a living prophet on the earth today, and (certainly not to sound like I'm treating this lightly, but) we need him like crazy!
Prophets serve in so many ways. The one I'll focus on today, though, is his service to us--not just to you and me, not just to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but to everyone in the world. When God calls prophets, He doesn't call one prophet for the youth, one prophet for the Mormons, one prophet for the Catholics, one prophet for the blondes... He calls one prophet for everyone. In the world.
As a prophet of God, one of his duties is to guide and counsel us, us fellow children of God. Everyone who gives faithful heed to his words--whether they're LDS or not--will be blessed. The prophet will never (I love words like that)--never--lead us astray. That's because he is called of God, and God will never--never--allow His work to be led astray.
Do we even need a prophet?
Yup! 'Nuff said.
...Okay, I'll say a little bit more. We have the scriptures, which are wonderful. But the scriptures were written so long ago that it's sometimes hard to apply them to a very specific issue in our lives now. I'll give you an example--no, I'll give you several: modesty* (how much skin... is too much skin?), physical health as it relates to our spiritual well-being* (so what if I shoot whiskey once in a while?), pornography* (what's the big deal?), natural disasters* (how can we cope?), and technology* (I... can't even come up with a single, succinct question about this topic, there are so many possible questions).
The prophet can enlighten us with new insights, inspired of God, that directly address our needs and concerns of today. Correct me if I'm wrong... but I don't think they had Internet in the times of Moses. So how could Moses counsel us--you and me--directly on the dangers and blessings of the Internet? He gave insight on many other things that do still apply to us today, but there is a constant need for specific guidance, suited to our specific needs.
How do we know if someone's actually a prophet?
There are a few answers to this, I suppose.
First, a prophet of God will hold His priesthood*--the authority to act in God's name.
Second, he will be a righteous leader, not seeking to get worldly gain. Being selfish and being a prophet of God don't go hand-in-hand.
Third, he will tell us what we need to hear, even if it's not necessarily what we want to hear. Remember when I said a prophet can't lead us astray?
And fourth, you can know, as I do, if there is a living prophet of God on the earth today by praying. And when I say "praying", I don't mean kneeling by your bedside and going, "Help me to know I'm right and Krista's wrong. There's no prophet today. Amen." I mean sincerely, humbly, and faithfully asking Heavenly Father, in the name of His Son, if Thomas S. Monson is truly a prophet of God. If you do this, God will let you know. I won't tell you how, but He will. And you'll know*.
Thanks so much for reading all of this!! I hope I've given you at least a little bit of insight or surety. Now, I'd like to let you know one more time that I know that there is a prophet on the earth today. His name is Thomas S. Monson*, and he leads us as God would if He were here in person, leading us Himself. I know that Thomas S. Monson's counselors have been called of God and also guide us through inspired counsel. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior, and it is through Him--and only Him--that I can repent for my wrongdoings and return to live in eternal happiness with my Father in Heaven. I know that God loves each of us. And I know that the scriptures are true, inspired writings meant for our benefit and utilization.

President Thomas S. Monson
*Nifty Resources for the Extra-Miler
Prophets: http://mormon.org/faq/topic/prophets/question/modern-prophets
Modesty: https://www.lds.org/youth/for-the-strength-of-youth/dress-and-appearance?lang=eng
Physical Health: https://www.lds.org/youth/for-the-strength-of-youth/physical-and-emotional-health?lang=eng
Pornography: http://www.lds.org/general-conference/2004/10/a-tragic-evil-among-us?lang=eng
Natural Disasters: http://www.lds.org/ensign/2012/08/natural-disasters-we-dont-have-to-be-afraid?lang=eng (especially the last section--"After the Storm: Let the Gospel Remove the Sting)
Technology: http://www.lds.org/new-era/2012/02/screening-your-screen-time?lang=eng
Priesthood: http://mormon.org/faq/topic/priesthood/question/purpose-of-priesthood
Praying in Faith: http://www.lds.org/scriptures/nt/james/1.5,6?lang=eng#4
Thomas S. Monson: https://www.lds.org/church/leader/thomas-s-monson?lang=eng
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